Like improv, you just had to be there.
I'm not one who normally takes notes during sacrament meeting, but this discourse was full of such insightful teachings that I ended up taking a few. His theme was a play on the old phrase "the devil is in the details," except he turned it around and told us that "God is in the details."

"No one was foreordained to fail or be wicked," he said. I didn't write down many things word-for-word, but that statement was one of them.
"Don't goof up your orbit," he added, stating that our personal orbits have caused us collectively to meet in this ward at this place and at this time, and that it is for a special purpose. He concluded with the idea that the star of Bethlehem didn't just appear in the sky on the night of Christ's birth but that Heavenly Father sent it on its path billions of years prior.
Granted, that last statement may be speculation or from the Book of the Bishop, but he got his point across well.
Island of Misfit Toys? Yep, sure feels that way. And there's no other place I'd rather be right now.
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